by Jay Pillay Incorporated | Mar 2020 | Business, Employment and Labour Law
“The secret of crisis management is not good vs. bad, it’s preventing the bad from getting worse” (Andy Gilman) We can only guess at how the COVID-19 coronavirus outbreak will end, but let’s all take whatever concrete steps we can right now to lessen its impact on our...
by Jay Pillay Incorporated | Mar 2020 | Property
“The primary remedy therefore is an order for removal of the structure” (extract from the judgment below) What can you do if your neighbour has started (or finished) building without the necessary municipal approvals? In a nutshell, our courts will very...
by Jay Pillay Incorporated | Mar 2020 | Company / Corporate / Compliance, Employment and Labour Law
“…the default position is that an executive director or a senior employee may not carry on business activities which fall within the scope of his company’s business during the time when he serves as director or works as employee. The default position however changes...
by Jay Pillay Incorporated | Mar 2020 | Family Law
“In our law cohabitation does not have special legal consequences. Generally the proprietary consequences and rights flowing from a marriage are not available to unmarried couples, regardless of the length of their cohabitation” (extract from judgment below) If you...
by Jay Pillay Incorporated | Mar 2020 | Business, Website of the Month
“Never let a good crisis go to waste” (Winston Churchill) The COVID-19 coronavirus crisis will, like all crises, eventually give way to economic and societal recovery. Even before that inevitable upturn actually sets in, entrepreneurs should remember...